

A new species of Protium (Burseraceae) from the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica
Perdiz, R.O., D. C. Daly, A. Vicentini, and P. V.A. Fine
Phytotaxa 434: 183-194 2020
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A new species of Protium (Burseraceae) from the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica
Perdiz, R.O., D. C. Daly, A. Vicentini, and P. V.A. Fine
Phytotaxa 434: 183-194 2020
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The contribution of multiple barriers to reproduction between edaphically divergent lineages in the Amazonian tree Protium subserratum (Burseraceae)
Misiewicz, TM., T. Simmons and P.V.A. Fine
Ecology and Evolution 2020
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Convergent evolution of tree hydraulic traits in Amazonian habitats: implications for community assemblage and vulnerability to drought
Fontes, C., P.V.A. Fine, F. Wittmann, P. Bittencourt, M.T.F. Piedade, N. Higuchi, J.Q. Chambers, T. Dawson
New Phytologist 2020
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Biased-corrected richness estimates for the Amazonian tree flora
ter Steege H., et al. (214 authors)
Scientific Reports 10:10130 2020
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Genomics of microgeographic adaptation in the Amazonian hyperdominant tree Eperua falcata Aubl. (Fabaceae)
Brousseau, L., P.V.A Fine, E. Dreyer, G. Vendramin, and I. Scotti
 Molecular Ecology In Press (cover stor 2020


Dominant tree species drive broad scale beta diversity patterns in West Amazonia
Draper, F.C.,  G. P. Asner, E. N. Honorio Coronado, T. R. Baker, R. García-Villacorta, N. C. A. Pitman, P.V.A. Fine...C. Baraloto
Ecology 100 (4): e02636 2019
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Reestablishment of Protium cordatum (Burseraceae) based on integrative taxonomy
Damasco, G., D. C. Daly, A. Vicentini and P.V.A. Fine
Taxon 68: 34-46 2019
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Imaging spectroscopy predicts variable distance decay across contrasting Amazonian tree communities
Draper, F.C., C. Baraloto, P. Brodrick, O. L. Phillips, R. Vasquez Martinez,...G. P. Asner.
Journal of Ecology 107: 696-710 2019
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Adiciones a la flora del Perú a través de 15 inventarios biológicos rápidos en la Amazonía peruana
Torres Montenegro, L.,  M.A. Ríos Paredes, N. C. A. Pitman, C. F. Vriesendorp, R. B. Foster, N. Hensold...O. Vásquez Macanilla
Peruvian Journal of Biology 2019

Leaf transcriptome assembly of Protium copal (Burseraceae) and annotation of terpene biosynthetic genes
Damasco, G. V. Shivakumar, T. Misiewicz, D. C. Daly, and P. V. A. Fine
Genes 10(5), 392 2019
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The Amazonas-trap: a new method for sampling plant-inhabiting arthropod invertebrate communities in tropical forest understory
Lopes, M.C, G.P.A. Lamarre, C. Baraloto, A. Vicentini, P.V.A. Fine, and F.B. Baccaro
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 2019
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Towards an integrative taxonomy in Neotropical botany: disentangling the Pagamea guianensis species complex (Rubiaceae)
Prata, E.M.B, C. Sass, F.M.C.B Domingos, C.C. Ribas, G. Damasco, C.D. Specht, P.V.A. Fine,  and A. Vicentini
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 188: 213-231 2018
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Generic limits re-visited and an updated sectional classification for Protium (tribe Protieae). Studies in Neotropical Burseraceae XXV
Daly, D.C and P.V.A. Fine
Brittonia 70(4): 418-426 2018
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Origin and maintenance of chemical diversity in a species-rich tropical tree lineage
Salazar, D., J. Lokvam, I. Mesones, J.M. Ayarza Zuñiga, M. Vásquez Pilco, P. de Valpine, and P.V.A. Fine
Nature Ecology & Evolution 2: 983-990 2018
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Peatland forests are the least diverse tree communities in Amazonia but contribute to high regional beta-diversity
Draper,, E. N. Honorio Coronado, K. H. Roucoux, I. T. Lawson, N. C. A. Pitman, P. V.A. Fine, O. L. Phillips, L. A. Torres Montenegro, E. Valderrama Sandoval, I. Mesones, R. García-Villacorta, F. R. Ramirez Arévalo and T. R. Baker
Ecography 41: 1–14 2018
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Species Distribution Modelling: Contrasting presence-only models with plot abundance data
Gomes, V.H.F., et al. (185 authors)
Scientific Reports 8: 1003 2018
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Importance of dispersal in the assembly of the Neotropical biota.
Fine, P.V.A. and L.G. Lohmann
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115:5829-5831 2018
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Divergent secondary metabolites and habitat filtering both contribute to tree species coexistence in the Peruvian Amazon
Vleminckx, J., D. Salazar, C. Fortunel, I. Mesones, N. Dávila, J. Lokvam, K. Beckley, C. Baraloto, and P.V.A. Fine. 
Frontiers in Plant Science 9:836 2018
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Dry and hot: the hydraulic consequences of a climate change-type drought for Amazonian trees.
Fontes, C.G., T. E. Dawson, K. Jardine, N. McDowell, B. Gimenez, L. Anderegg, R. Negron-Juarez, N. Higuchi, P.V.A. Fine, A. C. Araújo and J. Q. Chambers
Philosophical Transactions B  373: 20180209 2018
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Environmental filtering of eudicot lineages underlies phylogenetic clustering in tropical South American flooded forests
Aldana, A.M., M. B. Carlucci, P.V.A. Fine, and P. R. Stevenson
Oecologia 183: 327-335 2017
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Incorporating phylogenetic information for the definition of floristic districts in hyper-diverse Amazon forests: implications for conservation
Guevara, J.E.,  N.C.A. Pitman, H. ter Steege, H. Mogollón,  C. Ceron, W. Palacios, N. Oleas,  and  P.V.A. Fine
Ecology and Evolution 7:9639-9650 2017
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Persistent effects of pre-Columbian plant domestication on Amazonian forest composition
Levis, C. et al., 2017 (155 authors)
Science 355: 925-931 2017
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Maximising synergy among tropical plant systematists, ecologists, and evolutionary biologists
Baker, T. R., R. T. P. V. A. Fine, H. Fortune-Hopkins, E. N. Honorio, I. Huamantupa-Chuquimaco,...R. Vasquez
Trends in Ecology and Evolution 32: 258-267 2017
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Geographical variation in community divergence: insights from tropical forest monodominance by ectomycorrhizal trees
Fukami, T., M. Nakajima, P. V. A. Fine, C. Baraloto, S. E. Russo, and K. Peay
American Naturalist 190: S105-S122 2016
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There’s no place like home: seedling mortality contributes to the habitat specialization of tree species across Amazonia
Fortunel, C., C.E.T. Paine, P.V.A. Fine, I. Mesones, J-Y. Goret, B. Burban, J. Cazal, and C. Baraloto
Ecology Letters 19: 1256-1266 2016
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Taxonomic and functional composition of arthropod assemblages across Amazonian forests.
Lamarre, G. P. A., B. Hérault, I. Mesones, P.V.A. Fine and C. Baraloto
Journal of Animal Ecology 85: 227-239 2016
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Neotropical white-sand forests: origins, ecology and conservation of a unique rain forest environment
Fine, P.V.A. and E. Bruna
Biotropica 48: 5-6 2016
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Phylogenetic  overdispersion in Lepidopteran communities of Amazonian white-sand communities
Lamarre, G.P.A., D. Salazar Amoretti, F. Béneluz, I. Mesones, and P.V.A. Fine
Biotropica 48:101-109 2016
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Low phylogenetic beta diversity and geographic neo-endemism in Amazonian white-sand forests
Guevara, J.E., G. Damasco,  C. Baraloto, P. V.A. Fine, M.C. Peñuela-Mora, C.  Castilho,...H. ter Steege
Biotropica 48: 34-46 2016
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Habitat endemism in white-sand forests: insights into the mechanisms of lineage diversification and community assembly of the Neotropical flora
Fine, P.V.A. and C. Baraloto.
Biotropica 48: 24-33 2016
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Estimating the global conservation status of more than 15,000 Amazonian tree species
ter Steege et al. 2015 (158 authors)
Science Advances 1:e1500936 2015
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Ecological and evolutionary drivers of geographic variation in species diversity
Fine, P.V.A
Annual Reviews of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 2015
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Habitat-specific divergence of procyanidins in Protium subserratum (Burseraceae)
Lokvam, J., M. R. Metz, G. R. Takeoka, L. Nguyen, and P.V.A. Fine
Chemoecology 2015
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Assessing the latitudinal gradient in herbivory
Lim, J-Y., P.V.A. Fine and G. G. Mittelbach
Global Ecology and Biogeography 24: 1106-1112 2015
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Globally, functional traits are weak predictors of juvenile growth rate, and we do not know why
Paine et al. (38 authors)
Journal of Ecology 103: 978-989 2015
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Percentage leaf herbivory across vascular plant species
Turcotte, M.M., C.J.M. Thomsen, G.T. Broadhead, P.V.A. Fine, R.M. Godfrey, G.P.A. Lamarre, S.T. Meyer, L.A. Richards, and M.T.J. Johnson
Ecology 95: 788–788 2014
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Wood specific gravity and anatomy of branches and roots in 113 Amazonian rainforest tree species across environmental gradients
Fortunel, C., J. Ruelle, J. Beuchene, P.V.A. Fine, and C. Baraloto
New Phytologist 202: 79-94 2014
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Contrasting patterns in leaf synchrony and herbivory rates among tropical tree habitat specialists.
Lamarre, G.P.A., I. Mendoza, P.V.A. Fine and C. Baraloto
Plant Ecology 215: 209-220 2014
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Environmental factors predict community functional composition in Amazonian forests
Fortunel, C., C.T.E. Paine, P.V.A. Fine, N.J.B. Kraft and C. Baraloto
Journal of Ecology 102: 145-155 2014
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Genetic variation within a dominant shrub structures green and brown food webs and ecosystem processes
Crutsinger, G.M, M. Rodriguez-Cabal, A.B. Roddy, K.G. Peay, J. Bastow, A. Kidder, T.E. Dawson, P.V.A. Fine and J. Rudgers
Ecology 95: 397-398 2014
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To move or to evolve: contrasting patterns of intercontinental connectivity and climatic niche evolution in "Terebinthaceae" (Anacardiaceae and Burseraceae)
Weeks, A., F. Zapata, S. K. Pell, D. C. Daly, J. D. Mitchell, and P. V. A. Fine
Frontiers in Genetics 5: 409 2014
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Investigating processes of Neotropical rain forest tree diversification by examining the evolution and historical biogeography of Protieae (Burseraceae)
Fine, P.V.A., F. Zapata, and D. C. Daly
Evolution 68: 1988-2004 2014
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Evidence for ecological divergence across a mosaic of soil types in an Amazonian tropical tree: Protium subserratum (Burseraceae)
Misiewicz, T.M. and Fine, P.V.A
Molecular Ecology 23: 2543–2558 2014
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Survival of seasonal flooding in the Amazon by a terrestrial insect Conotrachelus dubiae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), a pest of the camu camu plant Myrciaria dubia (Myrtaceae)
Delgado, C., G. Couturier, and P.V.A. Fine. 2014
Neotropical Entomology 43: 380-384 2014
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Hyper-dominance in the Amazonian tree flora
ter Steege, H. et al. (118 authors)
Science 342: 325 (6156) 2013
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Population genetic structure of California hazelnut, an important food source for people in the Quiroste Valley in the Late Holocene
Fine, P.V.A., T.M. Miseiwicz, A. S. Chavez and R.Q. Cuthrell
California Archaeology 5: 353-370 2013
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Uncorrelated evolution of leaf and petal venation patterns across the angiosperm phylogeny
Roddy, A.B., M. Guillams, T. Lilittham, J. Farmer, V. Wormser, T. Pham, P.V.A. Fine, T. Feild and T.E. Dawson
Journal of Experimental Botany 64: 4081-4088 2013
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Anthropogenic burning on the central California coast in late Holocene and early historical times: findings implications and future directions
Lightfoot, K.G., R.Q. Cuthrell, C.M. Boone, R. Byrne, A.S. Chavez, L. Collins, A. Cowart, R.R. Evett, P.V.A. Fine, D. Gifford-Gonzalez, M.G. Hylkema, V. Lopez, T.M. Misiewicz, R.E.B. Reid and C.J. Striplen
California Archaeology 5(2): 371-390 2013
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Diversification of the monoterpene synthase gene family (TPSb) in Protium, a highly diverse genus of tropical trees
Zapata, F. and P.V.A. Fine
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 68: 432-442 2013
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Strong coupling of plant and fungal community structure across Amazonian rainforests
Peay, K.G., C. Baraloto and P.V.A. Fine
The ISME Journal 7: 1852-1861 2013
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Insect herbivores, chemical innovation and the evolution of habitat specialization in Amazonian trees
Fine, P.V.A., M.R. Metz, J. Lokvam, I. Mesones, J.M. Ayarza Zuniga, G.P.A. Lamarre, M. Vasquez Pilco and C. Baraloto
Ecology 94: 1764-1775 2013
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Plant ontogeny, spatial distance and soil type influences negative density-dependent effects on a common Amazonian tree
Barbosa, C.E.A., T. Misiewicz, P.V.A. Fine and F. Costa
PLoS ONE 8(5): e62639 2013
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Oenocarpus bataua: the original Amazonian superfood
Fine, P.V.A., S. Lewis and T. Milleron
Pp.36-37 in Food: an atlas. D. Jensen and M. Roy, eds. Guerrilla Cartography, Oakland, CA.

Habitat specialization by birds in western Amazonian white-sand forests
Alonso, J.A, M.R. Metz and P.V.A. Fine
Biotropica 45: 365-372 2013
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Herbivory, growth rates, and habitat specialization in tropical tree lineages: implications for Amazonian beta-diversity
Lamarre, G.P.A, C. Baraloto, C. Fortunel, N. Dávila, I. Mesones, J. Grandez Ríos, M. Ríos, E. Valderrama, M. Vasquez and P.V.A. Fine
Ecology 93: S195–S210 2012
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The importance of environmental heterogeneity and spatial distance in generating phylogeographic structure in edaphic specialist and generalist species of Protium (Burseraceae) across the Amazon Basin
Fine, P.V.A., F. Zapata, D.C. Daly, I. Mesones T.M. Misiewicz, H.F. Cooper and C.E.A. Barbosa
Journal of Biogeography 40: 646-661 2012
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Rapid simultaneous estimation of aboveground biomass and tree diversity across Neotropical forests: A comparison of field inventory methods
Baraloto, C., Q. Molto, S. Rabaud, B. Hérault, R. Valencia, L. Blanc, P.V.A. Fine, and J. Thompson
Biotropica 45: 288-298 2012
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Microsatellite primers for an Amazonian lowland tropical tree, Protium subserratum (Burseraceae)
Misiewicz, T., C. E. A. Barbosa, C., and P. V. A. Fine
American Journal of Botany 99: 465-467 2012
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Leaf, stem and root tissue strategies across 758 Neotropical tree species
Fortunel, C., P. V. A. Fine, and C. Baraloto
Functional Ecology 26: 1153-1161 2012
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Burseraceae: a model for studying the Amazonan flora / Buseraceae: um modelo para estudos da flora Amazonica
Daly, D.C., P. V. A. Fine, and M. C. Martinez-Habibe
Rodriguésia 63: 21-30 2012
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A comparison of two common flight interception traps to survey tropical arthropods
Lamarre, G.P.A., Q. Molto, P.V.A. Fine, and C. Baraloto
Zookeys 216: 43-55 2012
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An oxidized squalene derivative from Protium subserratum (Engl.) Engl. growing in Peru
Lokvam, J. and P. V. A. Fine
Molecules 17: 7451-7457 2012
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Global gradients in vertebrate diversity predicted by historical area productivity dynamics and contemporary environment
Jetz, W. and P.V.A. Fine
PLoS Bio 10(3): e1001292 2012
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A new Amazonian section of Protium (Burseraceae) including both edaphic specialist and generalist taxa. Studies in Neotropical Burseraceae XVI
Daly, D. C. and P.V.A. Fine
Systematic Botany 36: 939-949 2011
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Phylogenetic community structure and phylogenetic turnover across space and edaphic gradients in western Amazonian tree communities
Paul V.A. Fine and Kembel, S.W
Ecography 34: 53-656 2011
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The role of natural enemies in the germination and establishment of Pachira (Malvaceae) trees in the Peruvian Amazon
Paul V.A. Fine and Mesones, I
Biotropica 43: 265-269 2011
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Disentangling stand and environmental correlates of aboveground biomass in Amazonian forests
Baraloto, C., Rabaud, S., Molto, Q., Blanc, L., Fortunel, C., Hérault, B., Dávila, N., Mesones, I., Ríos, M., Valderrama E., and P.V.A. Fine
Global Change Biology 17: 2677-2688 2011
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Global patterns of leaf mechanical properties
Onoda, Y., M. Westoby, P. B. Adler, A. M.L. Choong, F. J. Clissold, J. H. C. Cornelissen, et al.
Ecology Letters 14: 301-312 2011
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Abondance relative des Coleopteres dans trois types d’habitats forestiers de la foret tropicale de Guyane Francaise: relations avec la structure et la diversite de la communaute de plantes ligneuses
Lamarre, G.P.A., P.V.A. Fine and C. Baraloto
in Coleopteres de Guyane. ACOREP-France. pp 3-9  2011

Nitrogen isotope ratios suggest tropical heath forests are more limited by nitrogen than water availability
Brearley, F.Q., P.V.A. Fine, and K. Perreijn
Acta Amazonica 41: 409-412 2011
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A 100 million year love affair with American plants: book review of Alan Graham’s “A Natural History of the New World”
Paul V.A. Fine
Frontiers of Biogeography 3: 51-52 2011
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A floristic study of the white-sand forests of Peru
Paul V.A. Fine, García-Villacorta, R., Pitman, N.C.A., Mesones, I., and Kembel, S.W
nnals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 97: 283-305 2010
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The merging of community ecology and phylogenetic biology
Cavender-Bares, J.M., K.H. Kozak, P.V.A. Fine and Kembel, S.W
Ecology Letters 12: 693-715 2009
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The disparity in tree species richness between tropical, temperate ad boreal biomes: the geographic area and age hypothesis. In: W. P. Carson and S. Schnitzer (eds.)
Paul V.A. Fine, R. H. Ree, and R. J. Burnham
Tropical Forest Community Ecology. Blackwell Scientific, London.

Phylogenetic beta diversity: linking ecological and evolutionary processes across space and time
Graham, C. H. and P.V.A. Fine
Ecology Letters 11: 1265-1277 2008
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Comparing composition and diversity of parasitoid wasps and plants in an Amazonian rain-forest mosaic
Saaksjarvi, I., K. Ruokolainen, H. Tuomisto, S. Haataja, P.V.A. Fine, V. Vargas, G. Cardenas, and I. Mesones
Journal of Tropical Ecology 22: 167-176 2006
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Evidence for a time-integrated species-area effect on the latitudinal gradient in tree diversity
Paul V.A. Fine, and Richard H. Ree
American Naturalist 168(6): 796-804 2006
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The growth-defense trade-off and habitat specialization by plants in Amazonian forests
Paul V.A. Fine, Zachariah J. Miller, Italo Mesones, Sebastian Irazuzta, Heidi M. Appel, M. Henry H. Stevens, Ilari Saaksjarvi, Jack C. Schultz, and Phyllis D. Coley
Ecology 87(7): S150-S162 2006
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Burseraceae endemicas del Peru
Paul V.A. Fine, and Douglas C. Daly
Revista Peruana de Biologia 13(2): 191S 2006
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La especializacion edafica por plantas en la Amazonia peruana (Edaphic specialization by plants in the Peruvian Amazon)
Paul V.A. Fine, I. Mesones, R. Garcia-Villacorta, D. C. Daly and P. D. Coley
Folia Amazonica 15: 39-99 2006
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Una clave para la identificacion de las Burseraceas comunes del Centro de Investigacion y Capacitacion Los Amigos, Madre de Dios, Peru
Paul V.A. Fine
Biodiversidad Amazonica 1(1): 61-63 2005
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Sobre el genero Schizaea (Polypodiaceae) en el Peru (On the genus Schizaea in Peru)
Leon, B., H. Beltran, and P.V.A. Fine
Revista Biologica Peruana 12(1): 97-102 2005
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The contribution of edaphic heterogeneity to the evolution and diversity of Burseraceae trees in the western Amazon
Paul V.A. Fine, Douglas C. Daly, Gorky Villa Munoz, Italo Mesones, and Kenneth M. Cameron
Evolution 59(7): 1464-1478 2005
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Herbivores promote habitat specialization by trees in Amazonian forests
Paul V.A. Fine, Italo Mesones, and Phyllis D. Coley
Science 305: 663-665 2004
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Relationships of phytogeography and diversity of tropical tree species with limestone topography in southern Belize
Brewer, S. W., M. Rejmanek, M. Webb, and P.V.A. Fine
Journal of Biogeography 30: 1669-1688 2003
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The invasibility of tropical forests by exotic plants
Paul V.A. Fine.
Journal of Tropical Ecology 18: 687-705 2002
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An evaluation of the geographic area hypothesis using the latitudinal gradient in North American tree diversity
Paul V.A. Fine
Evolutionary Ecology Research 3: 413-428 2001
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Aerial Predator Recognition by Free-Ranging Sceloporus occidentalis
Paul V.A. Fine
Journal of Herpetology 33: 128-131 1999
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